Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

When to call an ambulance ?

  • When you suspect a spine or neck injury
  • The athlete may have a loss of sensation or is unable to move body parts
  • When an athlete is not breathing
  • The athlete’s chest is not rising
  • Bluish in colour and there is no air exchange
  • You suspect a severe or serious head injury
  • When you suspect a heat stroke
  • The athlete may become disoriented or confused, there is an absence of sweating, and the skin is flushed and warm.
  • Severe abdominal pains which could become worse.
  • Athlete may have severe pain in the shoulder region, usually on the left side.
  • Earlier signs : athlete is pale and has a pulse
  • Severe bleeding
  • Bleeding that cannot be controlled through direct pressure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Abnormal position of extremity or if you suspect a fracture that you are unable to immobilize to transport to hospital, examples includes a dislocated ankle.
  • Leg fracture