Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Common mistakes in rehabilitation

Muscle imbalance

There are many factors that can delay the process or rehabilitation, these include but not limited to :

Looking for the “culprit” rather than focusing on the victim

Most injuries come as accidents and they might be due to contact or collision with other players. It is advisable to focus on the injured victim rather than the culprit.

Focusing on a single muscle group

The athlete’s body works as a complete system for efficiency. The rehabilitation process should not cause reversibility caused by not training other injured areas. The athlete’s program should include other parts of the body so that the athlete will return to play fully functional.

Forgetting Proprioception movements

An injuries also affects those involuntary muscles that helps in automatic activities, it is very important to incorporate proprioception movements in the rehabilitation program. This program helps in developing motor density through neuronal variability.

Postural defects , and biomechanical imbalances neglected

Biomechanics play a vital role is athletes efficiency reducing the occurrence of injuries. The biomechanical imbalances should be incorporated during the rehabilitation process so that the athlete will come back to play efficient.

Sports Specific skills not incorporated

Sports rehabilitation is never complete until sports specific skills are incorporated. Returning back to normal walking gate is totally different from the ability to be fully functional in the field of play. The athlete should be subjected to sports specific demand profiles before returning back to play.